How to choose the best foil
Antoine Gouin

Foils are an assembly of several parts including the blade, the guard and the grip. As you have probably noticed, a huge variety of these parts is available from a multitude of manufacturers. The possible combinations of these different parts being innumerable, it is normal to have some questions when you decide to purchase a foil. The following article will help you make the right choice.
What makes a good foil?
Whether you are a beginner or an Olympian, the two most important aspects of a foil are its total weight and its point of balance. A foil that is too heavy will cause fatigue in the shoulder and arm, while an unbalanced foil will be more difficult to wield, resulting in loss of accuracy. On the other hand, a foil that is too light also has its drawbacks.
The relationship between weight and balance is interesting. Although it may seem counterintuitive, it is more beneficial to slightly increase the total weight of a foil if it contributes to a better center of gravity.
Other factors to consider when choosing a foil are its durability and your budget. More advanced fencers will also add more criteria, such as blade flexibility.
Pre-assembled models
In order to help you in choosing a foil, Imex Sport has put together a selection of pre-assembled foils, which you can find in the Complete Foils section of our website. These foils have been designed with the parts combinations that are most popular with our customers, and are all well-balanced and durable foils to suit all budgets.
Among our selection of foils, we also offer foils with an FIE blade. To find out what this means and if they suit your needs, refer to the article What does FIE mean?.

Types of grips
There are two main types of grip for foil, the French grip (left) and the pistol grip (right). Both are common and are allowed during training and in tournaments. A type of grip may be recommended (or even imposed) to you by your coach, or it can be entirely up to you. Be sure to validate with your child (if you are not buying the foil for yourself) or with your coach if you are not sure which type of grip to choose.
Electric or not?
Electric foils are required for tournaments and for "electric" matches, that is, bouts fought with a scoring machine. If your club does not use scoring machines, or if you do not plan to participate in tournaments, or if you are still at your first fencing lessons, a so-called "dry" foil will be fine. If in doubt, check with your coach.
Blade length
There are different blade lengths for different age groups. Blade lengths are identified by a number ranging from 0 to 5. Size #5 blades are the longest and are the standard for adults. Size #2 blades are used by young children. Blade sizes #0, #1, #3 and #4 exist, but are not very common.
In Quebec, there is no restriction on the length of the blades outside of tournaments. For provincial tournaments in Quebec, fencers participating in the U10 category must use a size #2 blade. All other age categories have no restrictions, so fencers use the "standard" size #5 blades. Although not mandatory, fencers under the age of 11 prefer a shorter blade even during practice, since it is lighter and easier to handle.
Custom foil
Are generic models not right for you? Do you have a particular fencing style for which your weapon does not seem well suited? Do you have an accuracy issue? Is your grip causing pain in your hand or arm? Imex Sport can solve all these problems and many more by building you a weapon that is 100% tailored to your needs. We stock the majority of parts from all brands and can find the perfect combination. Contact us for more information.
Imex Sport offers a range of pre-assembled foils to make your choice easier, which you can see in the Complete Foils section of our website. However, we recommend that you check with your coach to make sure that the foil you choose suits your needs and any other restrictions that may be imposed on you.
If you have any special need that our pre-assembled foils cannot meet, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will gladly find a tailor-made solution for you using all the parts we offer.